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Sunday, February 12, 2012

When You've Lost The Person That You Are Love.....Especially Your Mother

It is never easy to lose
someone you love.
There is never a
perfect moment to

Your mother was with
you all your life.
No other person in the
world was there for
     As she was.

When you miss them
         so much
you ache inside ~

~ close your eyes ~

In silence
She is there
with you.

Peacefully she smiles
at the kind, generous,
caring person you
have become ~
thinking of you
as her little child ~

Always loved ~
Always precious
in her sight.

In the soft breeze,
May you feel her touch.

In the sunlight,
Feel the warmth
of her being.

Know that she
is with you ~

Watching over you
with love
that lasts forever.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Saya Akan Menjadi Segalanya Untuk Awak...

sy akn mnjdi kekasih  awk...
n sy jgk akn mnjdi kwn baik awk..
jd sy akn sntiasa ad kt sisi awk dsaat awk memrlukn sy...

sy akn mnjdi sgalany spt yg awk mhu
n smua yg awk prlukn....
sy akn mmbri kpda awk smua yg sya ad
cinta sy...
hdup sy...

sbb sy nk mnjdi sgala-galanya utk awk..
krna awk adalh sgala-galanya utk sy....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

aku kehilanganmu....Salmah Binti Abdullah

saat tok msih ad dgn adik, adik jarang blik umh especially thun 2011.mklumlh time 2 kn dok umh swa, loan pn dpt jd jaranglh blik tp adik xtau yg thub 2 adalh thun terakhir tok brsma kmi smua.klu adik tau adik xkn sia2kn tok.smuany tlh trlmbt.tok dh tngglkn adik utk slama-lmany.slps tok prgi,adik bru sdar n tme 2 bru adik fkir "ak snggup khilangn pkwe ag dri khilangn tok".adik msih ingt last adik jmpa tok msa adik nk blik umh swa tme lpas maghrib,tok tgk kt adik semcm ja msa adik nk klua umh smpi adik patah blik p slam tok sdgkn adik dh slam dh.rpa2ny hri 2 last tok tgk adik lps 2 dh xleh tgk dh wlupn adik dh blik msa tok msih ad sbb tok dh xsdrkn dri.adik myesal tok.andai dpt adik undurkn msa,adik akn hrgai saat adik brsma tok.bila adik dgr lgu renungan trakhir, adik psti akn ingt renungan tok yg trakhir.slps tok prgi,adik dh xdk tok dh sbb tok stu2ny yg adik pnggil tok.bla adik nmpk tok n cucuny mkn kt kdai mkn,adik xheran sbb adik ingt adik msih ad tok tp bla adik sdr blik sbnrny adik dh xdk tok n adik dh xleh pnggil tok srta xleh sebut nma tok sbb tok adik dh xdk.adik cma hrap adik dpt pnggi n sbut nma tok pda tok org len ja.tok,tok cpt smbuh nnt adik bwa tok p jln2 kt pd.tok angguk kpala sbnyk 2 kli tnda tok mau ikut adik pd 26 nov 11.walupn tok xsdr tp tok msih mau ikut adikkn? adik bisik kt tellinga tok pd mlm sblum tok prgi adik ckp adik syg tok sgt2.....tp knpa tok pergi????